Map Catalog
At this time, we recommend that these maps be downloaded or a map link be provided to a printing vendor if you want a hardcopy version.
LOJIC permits the reproduction of these maps by 3rd party vendors. Contact LOJIC Staff if you have more questions.
Public Safety
Louisville Urban Fire Districts8.5" x 11"
Political (Elections)
Political (Local)
Jefferson County Fiscal Court (County Commissioner, Justice of the Peace, and Constable)42" x 36"8.5" x 11"
Jefferson County Fiscal Court (County Commissioner, Justice of the Peace, and Constable) with Voting Precincts42" x 36"
Jefferson County Metro Council Districts with Voting Precincts42" x 36"
Jefferson County Metro Council Districts with Municipalities42" x 36"
Jefferson County Metro Council Districts with Urban Neighborhoods and 2020 Census Tracts42" x 36"
Jefferson County Metro Council Districts with Urban Neighborhoods, Municipalities, and Census Designated Places (2000)42" x 36"
Jefferson County Metro Council Districts with ZIP Codes42" x 36"
Jefferson County School Board Districts with Voting Precincts42" x 36"
Jefferson County Form Districts42" x 36"
Jefferson County Geodetic Control Network42" x 36"
Jefferson County Historic Districts and Cemeteries8.5" x 11"
Jefferson County Generalized Landuse8.5" x 11"
Aerial Photo
Jefferson County Municipalities42" x 36"
Jefferson County Urban Neighborhoods, Municipalities, and Census Designated Places42" x 36"
Louisville Urban Neighborhoods8.5" x 11"
Where is LOJIC?
MSD Building
700 West Liberty Street
Louisville, KY 40203
38.2533 N, -85.7628 W
Terms of LOJIC Service
LOJIC Staff is available from 8:15 am to 5:00 pm (EST),
Monday through Friday, to respond to your questions.