ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Online Access
Access to ArcGIS Desktop via the LOJIC Enterprise network or the LOJIC ArcGIS Online Organization is limited to authorized and trained individuals within the following agencies:
- Louisville Metro Government
- Louisville Water Company
- Jefferson County PVA
- Bullitt County Fiscal Court*
- Louisville Metro Housing Authority
- City of Jeffersontown
- Anchorage Middletown Fire & EMS
- Pleasure Ridge Park Fire Department
If you are staff in one of the above mentioned agencies and interested in using ArcGIS Desktop on the LOJIC Enterprise network or the LOJIC ArcGIS Online Organization, feel free to contact us.
*LOJIC Enterprise Network access only

ArcGIS Online Access
Access to the LOJIC ArcGIS Online Organization is available to trained LOJIC users.