LOJIC team participated in the 14th annual MSD Field Day event held May 21 at our beautiful Waterfront Botanical Gardens. The MSD Field Day program consisted of a daylong series of educational presentations, seminars and social networking attended by local professionals in the construction and engineering industries.
Field Day opened with a welcome and summary of MSD projects and activities from MSD Executive Director Tony Parrott, and included a rich program of presentations and discussion topics on flood planning and mitigation, urban reforestation, update on clean water legislation, as well as updates on recent and future MSD capital projects. This year's Field Day tour track offered opportunities to tour the Botanical Gardens, Beargrass Creek Flood Pump Station, and a Beargrass Creek water quality monitoring station. Noted Louisville historian, University of Louisville professor/archivist, and former Metro Councilman Tom Owen educated and entertained attendees with a historical tour of our Beargrass Creek waterways.
LOJIC Solutions Analyst Jess Hamner gave an overview and demonstration of the many public interactive maps and downloadable data resources available from our LOJIC GIS website.

Following a brief summary of LOJIC partnership history by LOJIC Director Curt Bynum, Jess gave attendees a tour of LOJIC's Map Hub interactive web maps, the rich set of downloadable data available from LOJIC's Open Data Portal and a demonstration of our most heavily used interactive web application, LOJIC Online.