In March of 2014, the LOJIC Policy Board endorsed a Strategy Innovation approach in assessing the current state of LOJIC and developing recommendations for best innovative practices in LOJIC governance, organization, funding and opportunities for enhanced applications of geospatial technology.
The effort focused on the following goals:
- New opportunities for developing/marketing LOJIC data and services.
- New Opportunities for developing new internal LOJIC applications.
- Sustainable LOJIC organizational structure, governance and funding options.
The team consisted of the following partner representatives:
Curt Bynum, LOJIC Manager, Co-Leader
James Bates, LWC Manager of Infrastructure Records, Co-Leader
Julie Buckler, MSD GIS Services and Records Manager
Debbie Lowery, MetroTS Performance Improvement-Outreach Manager
Sharon Meador, MetroTS IT Business Services Manager
Jay Mickle, PVA Mapping and GIS Team Director
Jane Poole, LOJIC Customer Support Administrator
The consultants selected for this project included Peter Croswell (Project Manager) with Croswell-Schulte IT Consultants, Sarah Taylor and Scot Taylor with Geomorphics, Inc. and Vijay Sabbineni with SRISYS, Inc. The team used the Strategy Innovation approach defined in the book, The Power of Strategy Innovation, by Robert E. Johnston, Jr. and J. Douglas Bate as a guide.
Key documents created during this process include:
The Strategy Innovations Team Charter
LOJIC Strategy Innovation Discovery Brief
Status of LOJIC Operations and User Community
Report on National Survey of Multi-Organizational GIS Programs
Best Innovative Practices Report
Recommendations on LOJIC Governance, Funding and Operational Improvements
LOJIC Strategy Innovation Team Recommendations
LOJIC Strategy Innovation Team Recommendations Presentation

MSD Building
700 West Liberty Street
Louisville, KY 40203
38.2533 N, -85.7628 W