LOJIC Acquiring Spring 2018 Aerial Photos
LOJIC is acquiring Spring 2018 aerial photography, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) elevation data and updated planimetric, hydrographic and topographic mapping for Jefferson, Oldham and Bullitt counties through a partnering agreement with the Jefferson County PVA and EagleView. (EagleView was formerly known as Pictometry.)
Status Update:
March 14, 2018 - 2018 Lidar collection is ongoing and is now 42% complete (see map, collected area in blue). Imagery collection has begun but only a small amount has been collected due to weather delays.
April 10, 2018 - All of LIDAR collection is now complete. Weather conditions have improved and the Aerial collection is about 40% collected (see map). Still some cloudy skies ahead, but a few sunny days are forecasted and should get EagleView collecting more images soon.
April 20, 2018 - Progress has not been as good as we would have hoped. Although we had sun on the 17th and 18th of April, once in the air the wind was too extensive in which to get much capture. Roughly 46% of the entire project captured. (see map) Derby week will present new challenges, planes will have to leave local airports to make way for the incoming private planes. Hope to make good progress in the next week or so.
April 24, 2018 - Progress has been made on the aerial collection the weekend of 21-22 April. (see map) The Fort Knox portion of Bullitt County has now been fully collected as well as most of Eastern Jefferson County. Overall, the project is at 66% complete. There are sunny days ahead in the forecast, hopefully EagleView can finish before Derby.
May 16, 2018 - Our 2018 aerial imagery project has been delayed due to a very rainy and cloudy March, two snow events, two floods and air space restrictions due to Derby air traffic.
May 31, 2018 - We again contracted with EagleView to capture 3-inch resolution, leaf-off aerial imagery and LiDAR data for Jefferson, Oldham and Bullitt Counties in late winter/early spring. LiDAR for all three counties was captured in February. However, through March and April, imagery flights were hampered by unfavorable weather conditions and ultimately by pre-Derby air traffic restrictions, all the while trees were leafing out. With LOJIC Steering Committee approval, capture of Jefferson County imagery will be delayed until February/March 2019.
April 22, 2019 - Acquisition of new LOJIC aerial imagery of Jefferson County was completed by EagleView this March. EagleView captured the new imagery covering nearly 500 square miles by flying 334 east-west flight lines in about 50 flight hours at an altitude of approximately 2,500 feet. The new imagery is 3-inch resolution, 4-band (red, green, blue, near infrared) and is currently being processed and ortho-rectified by EagleView for delivery and use in LOJIC by late Summer.
New imagery of Jefferson County was originally planned for Spring 2018, but bad weather conditions (2 flood events, 2 snow storms) and airspace restrictions prior to the Kentucky Derby delayed capture of leaf-off aerial imagery until this year.