SDE Feature Class
The address site was created to track the physical locations of all the address sites within Jefferson County. This feature class gets created from the address.edit_address.addresssite and from Tuesday-Saturday it gets recreated and overlayed with 30 spatial layers to find specific information on that location.
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LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The participants of the Louisville/Jefferson County Information Consortium (LOJIC) have no indication or reason to believe that there are any inaccuracies or defects of information incorporated in this work and make NO REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTBILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, NOR ARE ANY SUCH WARRANTIES TO BE IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION OR DATA, FURNISHED HEREIN. The attached data is owned by the LOJIC participants and is protected by United States Copyright laws and applicable international copyright treaties and/or conventions.
Publication Date
Data not provided. Contact Resource or Metadata contact under Contact Info Tab.
Last Revision Date
Data not provided. Contact Resource or Metadata contact under Contact Info Tab.
There are no credits for this item.
Addresses, Jefferson County, Kentucky
Location Keywords
Jefferson County, Kentucky, Louisville
Temporal Keywords
There are no tags for this item.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The participants of the Louisville/Jefferson County Information Consortium (LOJIC) have no indication or reason to believe that there are any inaccuracies or defects of information incorporated in this work and make NO REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTBILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, NOR ARE ANY SUCH WARRANTIES TO BE IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION OR DATA, FURNISHED HEREIN. The attached data is owned by the LOJIC participants and is protected by United States Copyright laws and applicable international copyright treaties and/or conventions.
Data access is restricted to LOJIC Participants, their contractors, and Licensees only
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The participants of the Louisville/Jefferson County Information Consortium have no indication or reason to believe that there are any inaccuracies or defects of information incorporated in this work and make NO REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, NOR ARE ANY SUCH WARRANTIES TO BE IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION OR DATA, FURNISHED HEREIN.
Most of the points contained in this featureclass are in Jefferson County however due to support for CAD some addresses in the surrounding counties are included in the layer
Internal feature number.
House Number
Half House
Apartment Number
Direction - values can be N, S, E, W
Street Name
Street Type
Original date the address entered into the system
Editor who created the address point in the sytem
Date the address point was updated
The editor who performed the last update function for the address point
Enterprise zone
City of Louisville Pre-Merger Aldermanic Wards The Wards are now obsolete and have been replaced by the Metro Council Districts taken from JEFLIB.WARD
Jefferson County Elections Center
Congressional zone taken from JEFLIB.CONGRESS
Jefferson County Elections Center
Senator district taken from JEFLIB.SENATOR
Jefferson County Elections Center
Legislative district taken from JEFLIB.LEGIS
Jefferson County Elections Center
Precinct taken from JEFLIB.PRECINCT
Jefferson County Elections Center
Commissioner District taken from JEFLIB.COMM
Jefferson County Elections Center
Council District taken from JEFLIB.COUNCIL
Jefferson County Clerk
Historic District Information taken from JEFLIB.HISTORIC
Planning and Design Services
Preservation District Information taken from JEFLIB.LANDMARK
Planning and Design Services
Planning district information taken from JEFLIB.PLANNING.OVERLAYS
Urban Renewal Areas taken from JEFLIB.URBRENEW
Metro Public Works
Day of the week the garbage gets picked up(1-5) 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday etc... 7 is the downtown area without pickup info this is taken from JEFLIB.SRA_GARB
Metro Public Works
Route information for garbage in the Louisville Metro Area taken from JEFLIB.SRA_GARB
Metro Public Works
Louisille Metro Junk Pickup Route - the info in this field has a corresponding lookup table jeflib.blkwstpu that has the weeks junk pickup will be done for that area. This information is taken from JEFLIB.SRA_JUNK
Metro Public Works
Lousville Metro recycle day pickup information taken from JEFLIB.SRA_RECY
Metro Public Works
LOJIC atlas page taken from METROLIB.METRO200
LOJIC Atlas grid - corresponds to 200 scale map sheets taken from METROLIB.METRO200
MSD Area team abbreviation taken from MSDDATA.areateam
MSD Maintenance regions taken from MSDDATA.omteam
MSD Neighborhood Maintenance Area taken from MSDDATA.msdnghd
Police district
Police beat
Police reporting area
Emergency Service Number
Zoning code
Municipality name
Zoning Districts name taken from JEFLIB.PLANNING.ZONING
Metro Safe
Police Sector taken from JEFLIB.LMPD_SECTOR
Metro Police
Police Zone taken from JEFLIB.LMPD_ZONE
Metro Police
MSD's individual combined sewer overflow system areas taken from MSDDATA.CSOAREA
MSD"S Combined Sewer System boundary taken from MSDDATA.CSSAREA
System Development Zones is a polygon shapefile representing the areas that are scheduled for future roadway improvements taken from JEFLIB.SDC_ZONES
Metro Public Works
Fire district number taken from JEFLIB.JCFD and JEFLIB.LFD
Louisville Fire Department and Metro Safe
The complete address which contains house number, direction, street name, street type, half house, and apartment.
Indicates if the address is the unique number for the apartment or condo complex that should be utilized in the CAD system
Unique number associated with the street centerline segment that the address falls in the address range taken from ADDRESS.STREET_NETWORK.STREETCENTERLINE
Census 2010 blockgroup information taken from CENSUS.JEFFGRP
Federal Government
Eligibility for funding depending on area of town - taken from JEFLIB.CDBG
Inspections Permits & licenses
MSD Drainage Service Area - Contains Y or N taken from MSDDATA.DRSA
Feature geometry.